A statement on the urgency of the climate crisis and a beacon of hope for positive change. 

For COP26, BE-ST, supported by ECOsytems Technologies, built one of three sustainable structures that stand throughout Glasgow today, stationed in Central Station and standing as a monument to a better future to the station’s 15+ million annual passengers. 

©Images by Fourfifteen

BE-ST associate impact manager Sam Patterson led on the fabrication and manufacturing of the Beacon of Hope structure.  

As one of the technicians within the Innovation Factory, Sam turned the artist, Steuart Padwick’s 3D model into the required manufacturing files and produced the sculpture on a CNC router from homegrown timber, sourced locally from BSW Group.  

 ECOSystems Technologies fabricated the panels for the structure using their experience in CLT. With the wood laminated, the CNC machine cut and shaped them into over 100 different layers, which then came together to form the figure once assembled.  

 The full process had been intricate and challenging but the final result is a testament to the team’s work and the potential of homegrown cross-laminated timber.  


The Hope Sculpture project serves as a beacon of hope and positivity towards reaching global environmental milestones and a reminder that we, as a society, care about each other and our planet. The project's team has also developed dedicated activities for school children, highlighting the important role designers, engineers, and constructors play in creating a more sustainable future. 

Project partners